A Pool acts as a unique, central content repository. When configuring Content Sync, you decide how many Pools you want to create and what sites you want to connect to what Pools. Sites can then publish content into these Pools while other sites will subscribe to and pull the content from these Pools. You can push content into multiple Pools and any site can subscribe to as many Pools as they like.

Pools are similar to tags in that you categorize your content into different Pools and then assign what sites are consuming content from which of these categories. Let’s say you want to distribute news articles between your sites- usually not all sites are going to be interested in all of your articles. You may have sites that are interested in articles about health while others are looking for articles about technology. In this case you can simply create one health articles Pool and one technolgy articles Pool. Now when you create an article on one of the publishing sites, you can simply assign one of the Pools to it and other sites will have the same article available, based on what they subscribe to.

In a simple setup for Content Staging for example, you may not even need more than one Pool. In this case you can simply use our default Content Pool and configure your Flows to automatically assign that Pool so your editors won’t even have to be bothered assigning it.

Did you know?
If you are already using taxonomy terms (Drupal’s default way to categorize and tag content), you can use them instead of Pools. There’s a special subscribe only to filter when configuring Flows that you can use.