By default, our system automatically pushes content and all its references, such as taxonomy terms (tags, categories, etc.), paragraphs, bricks, or media elements when you create a new Flow. This means that any content you create is instantly available on other sites.

How It Works

We utilize entity_create, entity_update, and entity_delete hooks to identify content that should be pushed immediately. This integration supports content creation and publishing from both within and outside the Drupal UI, including custom imports and scheduled publishing.

Did You Know?

The push behavior is flexible and does not dictate how content is pulled on other sites. You can push content automatically, regardless of whether it will be pulled automatically or manually. Any combination is possible!

Getting Started

It's simple! Just create or edit content. When you save it, the content will be pushed immediately to other sites.


Select Pool (Optional)

When editing, you'll see all available Pools in the right sidebar at Content Cloud (or Content Repository for our on-premise customers). You can assign content to any pool with a single click.

Note: This option might not always be available. Your site builders can configure Content Sync to automatically assign the appropriate pool, so your editors don't have to worry about it.

Push on Save

For content that is pushed automatically, the Save button will turn into a Save and Push button. This helps your editors understand that the content is being pushed immediately.

Success Messages

After saving content, Content Sync will display a success message. This message shows the update progress in real-time, allowing editors to track the distribution of content to other sites. If any issues arise, editors receive immediate feedback, helping them trust the syndication process and publish content at scale with confidence.

If you try to push content without assigning it to a pool, Content Sync will notify you that the content wasn't pushed and will prompt you to assign a pool first.