On the following page we would like to provide an overview of Drupal Core and Contrib fields, entity types and functionalities which are supported by Content Sync.


Field Types

  • Boolean

  • Date
  • Date range
  • Email
  • Link
  • List (float)
  • List (integer)
  • List (text)
  • Number (decimal)
  • Number (float)
  • Number (integer)
  • Entity reference
  • File
  • Image
  • Telephone number
  • Text (formatted)
  • Text (formatted, long)
  • Text (formatted, long, with summary)
  • Text (plain)
  • Text (plain, long)
  • Timestamp

Entity Types

  • Node

  • File
  • Media
  • Menu
  • Taxonomy Terms
  • User (Can be referenced but not syndicated due to security restrictions)
  • Block content
  • Block config (v2.1+)
  • Views config (v2.1+)


  • Content Moderation
  • Revisions
  • Translations
  • Layout Builder


CMS Content Sync provides support for the following contribution modules:

Need more? Let us know!