Now visit the Flows tab of CMS Content Sync and hit "Add flow":

Select "Export":

Provide a unique name for your flow:

If you're connecting the site to multiple pools that require different configuration, make sure to use a unique name for each workflow.
If you have multiple sites that act as your content stage, you can share the same configuration with the same name across these sites.

Enable your Root Entities

For each root entity type you want to export, you have to enable it. Root entity types are the entity types that are not dependent on another entity. Typically, these are your Nodes and Blocks. If you want to push Media or Taxonomy items individually, you can also configure them as root entities:

What if I do not see an entity type?
This means that we don't support this entity type yet and it is probably provided by a contrib module. Please have a look at Drupal integration for further information.

For Content Staging you won't need any unpublished content on live. So make sure to check the "Ignore unpublished content" checkbox:

Set the Export option either to "All" to push any changes immediately to production or "Manually" if you want your editors to push them on demand:

Make sure the pool you created above is set to "Forced":

If you want some content to be only available on stage, you can select "Allow" as well. In that case the editor has to explicitly select the pool on the export options of each content manually.

If you chose "Allow" above, you can also select the widget that your editors see for selecting a pool. Otherwise just skip this setting:

We recommend that you not only create and update content on your Content Stage but that you also delete it from there. In this case deleting a content on your Stage will also deleted on your Production site. To configure this, check the "Export deletion" box:

Leave all other settings untouched.

Go through All Fields below the Entity Type Config

Check if you require the field values on your live site.

If you do want to import this on the production site, make sure the handler is set to a "Default" handler and "Export" is set to "Yes". If the handler is set to "Not Configurable" that means this field is required and we're exporting it already regardless of your configuration.

If you do not want to import this on the production site, make sure the handler is set to "Disabled".

What does Not Supported mean?
This means that this field type cannot be synchronized. Please contact us if you encounter a missing field type you'd like to be synchronized.

What does Export Referenced Entities mean?
If you check this, the entity that you reference with this field will be added as a dependency to the content on export. So when this content is imported on your production site, we will automatically import the dependent entities as well. In most cases leaving this box checked will provide your expected results, e.g. for Paragraphs, Media, Bricks and Files. If you use the field to reference other nodes for example, decide for yourself whether the referenced node should be exported automatically as well.

What does Merge Local Changes mean?
You can ignore this setting on your Content Stage.

Setup your Dependent Entities

Go through all entities that are referenced in your root entities above. This can easily be done by checking the reference fields of your root entity types. You can simply enable them:

Once they all have been enabled, ensure to also recheck the referenced entity types since those might also have references to other entity types which have to be exported.


Hit "Save" and wait for the export to finish:

Once the export is done, you will see a success message: