After adding the General settings in step 2, you can now continue defining what entity types you want to push or pull. You can configure all bundles of a type separately if they need to be treated differently or you can treat them identical. We strongly recommend grouping all bundles together where possible to make it easier to extend- when you add a new bundle, it will be supported immediately without a sitebuilder having to edit the Flow config after adding a new bundle. Each type/bundle can be assigned to one of three push/pull modes, each shown as one column:

All available types and bundles of your site will be shown here. If you are missing a type/bundle, check the "Ignore" column on the right in case one of your used entity/field types is not supported. After using the edit-button of the middle column, you can use drag & drop to change the assignment of each type/bundle. Available modes are from left to right:

  • Top-level / Independent entities: This is the content you want to push or pull. When pushing, this is where editors can see the Save and Push and Push Changes buttons for.
  • Include automatically / dependent entities: Everything listed in this column automatically comes along whenever something in the left column is pushed.
  • Ignore: Everything in here will not be pushed or pulled, but if the referenced content exists on both sites, it will still be resolved; e.g. if you ignore views or block config but a referenced view/block exists on both the source and the target sites using Drupal's config management, the reference will be resolved on the target site as well.

By default, node content is independent and everything else is dependent- this allows editors to push and pull nodes and have paragraphs, blocks, media, files, taxonomy terms etc. just come along with it. When it comes to usage, we only count the updates of independent updates- dependent updates are considered part of that content.

You can create overlapping Flows if you want to e.g. push media items as part of node content but you also want to give editors a way to share media items independently.

Each type/bundle can provide a couple of additional options:

  • Group/Ungroup: Treat all bundles of a type the same -OR- configure bundles individually. We recommend to group them as much as possible to be flexible in case you add a new bundle later.
  • Remove (X): Move to Ignore column.
  • Filters: Available for menu items and for independent types that have taxonomy reference fields for pulling.
    • Menu items: Filter what menus should be pushed/pulled.
    • Subscription filter: Only pull content that matches the provided taxonomy filter. You can use this very similarly to pools in case your editors are using tags to categorize content and you want to route content based on assigned terms.
  • Advanced (drop down)
    • Set preview: When using the dashboard to pull content manually, we automatically generate previews of the content with an image and a description text we find in each content item; we also include all the tags assigned to the content for the full-text search. You can also create your own previews if you need more customizations. These previews are indexed and fully searchable by editors.