Most use-cases will be covered with the defaults we're applying to the settings below. But Content Sync offers a lot of flexibility to make sure you can easily integrate us into existing publishing workflows and to meet all the different content governance requirements and use-cases we encounter. You can find these settings in Step 3 when adding or editing a Flow:

Shared advanced settings

  • Machine name: The machine name of the configuration entity. You can only change this when creating a new Flow- after that it will be static to avoid data corruption. You can use Drupal's normal config export/import to share Flow and Pool configurations across sites. You can use your settings.php file to customize some of the settings, e.g. to use a different taxonomy term filter per site but still use the same Flow config around it.
  • Push/Pull deletions: Whether to allow the source site to trigger removal of content on all target sites that are using the content when it's deleted on the source site. You need to enable this on both the source and the target site for the deletion to be triggered.
  • Ignore unpublished content: By default, Content Sync will not push or pull drafts, but only published content. You can use this to also share unpublished drafts.
    • This filter also allows you to use e.g. the scheduler module to trigger pushes asynchronously.
  • Allow unpublishing content: By default, Content Sync will ignore pushes of unpublished content- but that would mean that you couldn't centrally unpublish content; so by default, we allow to push unpublished content if it has been pushed as published before. You can change this to not allow unpublishing content.
  • Languages: By default, Content Sync considers all languages that are available per site when pushing or pulling content. You can use this filter to narrow down what languages will be pushed or pulled at all.

Advanced push settings

  • Push menu items: By default, Content Sync will look for menu items that point to the pushed content and push them along with the content (as long as menu items are enabled in the "dependent" column of Step 2). Use this to not push menu items referencing the pushed content.
  • Push previews: Whether to generate previews of content at all. If you are never pulling content manually, you can disable the generation of previews to save some time and bandwidth.
  • Resolve user references: Content Sync doesn't sync user accounts to maintain your sites' security, but we use both the email and the username to de-reference users on the target site in case one exists. You can choose whether we're trying to map by email or by username first. You can also statically assign the Content Sync user to see what content was created by Content Sync on the target sites.
  • Manually assign Pools to paragraphs: You can allow editors to manually assign Pools to each paragraph of content. This allows you to create configurable content that will look different on the target sites based on what Pools they are connected to.
  • Pool selection widget: Define how editors can assign Pool(s) to content; this also defines whether they can assign only one or multiple Pools.

Advanced pull settings

  • Delete dependent entities automatically: By default, Content Sync will also delete entities in the Dependent column from Step 2 of the Flow UI. E.g. when you delete a media item on the source site that was syndicated as part of a content, this would also delete this media item from the target site. Disabling this would ignore deletions of dependent entities.
  • Allow local deletion: By default, Content Sync allows editors to delete content that was pulled from another site. But if you want to have strict content governance around content deletions, you can also disallow editors on the target site to remove content that was added from another site.
  • Merge local changes: When using paragraphs, you can allow editors to customize content and still merge upstream changes from the source site. Normally, when editors make local changes on the target site, that content will no longer be updated by the source site. This setting allows editors to overwrite paragraphs individually and only if an individual paragraph is overwritten, this specific paragraph won't receive changes from the source site- all other paragraphs that are not overwritten still receive their updates. Editors can also create additional local paragraphs that will be preserved and new paragraphs from the source site will be merged into the target sites custom paragraphs.