Mass updates are primarily used when setting up new sites and rolling out content to newly connected sites. Besides that they can be used to easily recover from previous failures e.g. after deploying a fix. You can access the mass updates feature under the Updates tab in the admin area:

When starting an update, you are asked to select the Flow, the kind of update to perform and the entity types to apply it to. Once started, the progress is shown in real-time. Opening one of the items shows the individual operations that are part of the update:

Opening one of the listed items opens the regular update details screen (see Sync state). 

Warning: Mass updates can produce massive load on large sites, so use with caution. We recommend running these outside of regular business hours and pausing regular updates to not interfere with each other. E.g. after starting a mass update, the queue of your site will be clogged until all the mass updates are finished- only after that the regular updates done by editors will come through again.

Start new

Step 1: Select Flow

Step 2: Select type

The options available depend on whether you selected a Push or Pull Flow. All available update types are:

  • Push failed: Use to recover from previous failures by retrying all updates that have failed before from this site.
  • Push all: Push all content again that has been pushed before or that's configured to be pushed immediately.
  • Push all, even new: Push all content, even if it's configured to be pushed manually and has not been pushed before.
  • Pull failed: Use to recover from previous failures by retrying all updates that have failed before to this site.
  • Pull changed: Go through all content and check whether the latest version has been added to the current site already and if not, add / update it. This makes it easy to update all content after e.g. a site was disconnected.
  • Map existing: Query all content from the site and map it to content that has been pushed by other sites before. 
  • Only use this when initially setting up sites and never use it on the source site that's pushing content.
  • Pull all: Pull all existing content that matches this Flow, regardless of whether it has been pulled before.

Step 3: Select types

Select the types to apply the operation to. This will show the number of affected entities to give you an indication of the size of the operation. Select one or more and Start.

Example scenarios

Initial set up: map existing content

After installing and configuring Content Sync, you may want to map existing content that exists on both the source and target site(s), e.g. from a database dump or because it was shared with a different tool or script before. Content Sync provides a mapping functionality for this that maps existing content on both sites by their UUID (we never use the local ID as that may be different between sites). Before you can map content, the content must first be made available to our service, so the order matters:

  1. Connect the Pushing site.
  2. Push all existing content.
  3. Connect the Pulling site(s).
  4. Map all existing content.

If you have already connected and configured both sites, temporarily disable the pulling Flow on the target site(s). Otherwise pushing all content will perform updates for every content item which is much slower and counts towards your usage limits.

Only use this when initially setting up sites and never use it on the source site that's pushing content.

Initial set up: add content

After adding a new site, you may want to add some initial content to it. If you have already shared content with other sites before and you want to add that existing content to a new site, use the Pull all operation on the target site. If you have just connected the source site and would like to propagate the content to all connected, pulling sites, use the Push all or Push all, even new operation on the pushing site instad.